You're Just One Event Away...
Learn High Level Wealth Growth, Creation, And Investment Education Secrets At Our Exclusive Inner Circle Mastermind Event!
Next Date: Saturday July 10th & Sunday July 11th, 2021
*Since there are only 10 seats available for this event, we ask that you first schedule a call on the next page with one of my team members. If this page is online right now, Then a few spots are still open...
Join The Star of HGTV's Risky Builders, Chris Naugle, and Other AMAZING Experts At This Year's LIVE Private Inner Circle Mastermind Event!
Fire your financial advisor and Become your Own Investment Manager so you can take back control of your financial future.

We've taught you what Self Directed investing is and how powerful it can be, at Inner Circle, we will teach you how to put that money to work and use that self directed account.

So many of our students have SD accounts open, and then say "NOW WHAT?" - they don't know what to do...

Inner circle will show you how to put your money to work.

Same with IBC policies, you open an account and start saving, funding it, have all this cash value waiting to be put to work...

Inner circle will show you how to get your money working for you! 
About Your Host Chris Naugle
Chris Naugle has dedicated his life to being America’s #1 Money Mentor. His success includes managing over 30 million dollars in assets in the financial services and advisory industry and tens of millions in real estate business, with over 200 transactions and an HGTV pilot show since 2014.

In 20 years, Chris has built and owned 16 companies, with his businesses being featured in Forbes, ABC and House Hunters. He is currently the co-founder and CEO of FlipOut Academy™, founder of The Money School™, and Money Mentor for The Money Multiplier.

As an innovator and visionary in wealth-building and real estate, he empowers entrepreneurs, business owners, and real estate investors with the knowledge of how money works. Innovating what it takes to break the chains of financial slavery, Chris is driven to deliver the financial knowledge that fuels lasting freedom. To date, he has spoken to and taught over ten thousand Americans.
What To Expect At This
Exclusive Inner circle Mastermind...
  • With 12+ Hours of Hands-On Real Estate Investing Strategies And Secrets To Make This Year Your BEST Year Yet While Also Setting Up Your Future For Even More Time And Financial Freedom!
  • You Will Learn Exactly How Money Works In Real Estate And How To Use It To Your Advantage To Gain The Upper Hand In Real Estate And In Life!
  • This Event Is For Anyone Looking To Invest For Retirement, Gain Financial & Time Freedom, Create More Wealth, And Network With Other Successful And Like-Minded Investors!
  • Because Of An Extra Day We Have Added On For Free, You Will Learn More Of Privatized Banking And More Advanced Strategies!
  • We Will Dive Into Everyone's Questions About Money In Real Estate.
  • Perfect Opportunity To Collaborate And Mastermind With Chris, His Expert Team, And The Other Investors That Will Be Attending!
  • You Will Obtain MASTERY of The Most Cutting-Edge Money Strategies And Secrets For Real Estate Investing! You Will Truly Know ALL That You Will Ever Need To Know About Money In Real Estate After Leaving This Private Inner Circle Mastermind Event!
  • It will Take Place In Our New Boardroom (Only 10 Seats Are Available) In Williamsville, New York.
  • BONUS #1: You Will Get A Free Hard Copy of Chris's Newest Book, The Private Money Guide: Solutions To Finding Money... Where To Go And How To Ask.
  • BONUS #2: One Free 30-Minute Mentorship Strategy Session Phone Call For A Future Date.
  • BONUS #3: The Money School Masterclass 4-Week Online Training Series (Value $997) - This Bonus Training's Topics Include: Traditional Financing, Conventional Mortgages, Commercial Loans, Community Banks, Non-Traditional Financing, Hard Money Lenders, Private Money & PM Lenders, Funding Deals With Permanent Life Insurance, Tax Deferred & Tax Free Wealth, Employer Sponsored Retirement Plans, Traditional IRAs & ROTH IRAs, Private Investments, And Building Your Network!
DAy 1 event Schedule...
  • 9 am - 12 pm: Inner Circle Mastermind Session #1
  • ​12 pm - 12:30 pm: Group Lunch Is Provided
  • ​12:30 pm - 5 pm: Inner Circle Mastermind Session #2
DAy 2 event Schedule...
  • 9 am - 12 pm: Inner Circle Mastermind Session #3
  • ​12 pm - 12:30 pm: Group Lunch Is Provided
  • ​12:30 pm - 3 pm: Inner Circle Mastermind Session #4
BONUS: 90-minute virtual Prep Class Before Live event
Here's What Others Are Saying...
"Way better than anticipated. One of the best masterminds I've attended. The information and knowledge provided for private lending was terrific and unmatched from anywhere else. There is such a need for this education! I've been looking and there isn't much out there. Great day of info!!!"
- Jeremy Beland
"Totally worth it, loved it. I got so much knowledge to apply to my first deal and many more deals after that."
- Jeff Gramlich
"So in depth- loved it!"
- Diogo Finote
"Super excellent, got me more excited to get started soon!!"
- Larry Azzi
"Loved everything about money school. Took away several key nuggets from speaker, was my first mastermind and really enjoyed it!"
- Kyle Ballif
"It was everything I wanted and more! Loved it, Thank you!"
- Renee Henderson
"Taking home more useful knowledge than I could have hoped for. Leaving motivated and excited to start applying the information from this event!"
- Michelle McCarthy
"Absolutely amazing experience!"
- Caitlin Rosica
"This experience has been amazing! I would highly recommend anyone who is serious about learning the specifics and function of wealth and money to attend! I am so grateful that I attended and I'm so much more prepared to take action and feel confident! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
- Michael Berendse
"Shout out to Chris Naugle & FlipOut Academy out of Buffalo, NY for hosting a fantastic Inner Circle Money School event this weekend. Very high-level content & an amazing group of attendees. When people come together with aligned interests & goals, magic happens. If you need to learn more about the ways to fund our own deals or find investors or investment tools, then you should definitely check out Chris Naugle's next event."
- Steven Miller
"Picture this - 10 experienced investors in a room, Chris at the helm passionately and intensely delivering cutting edge solutions on how to find and ask for private money, then leaving one day later, your brain packed full of insight, actionable content, more tools for your business, new connections, and friendships. That's Inner Circle. If you get the opportunity to attend, jump on it - It will change your trajectory.”
- Alan Weeks NuAvenue Assets.
"I had an opportunity to attend February’s Money School “Inner Circle” mastermind event hosted by Chris Naugle and Andrew Chestnutt at the FlipOut Academy campus and let me tell you, it was amazing.

You always go into seminars or events with a bit of skepticism, you’re unsure if the content is going to be something useful and if you’re lucky enough to get useful content it’s still a puzzle in how to actually apply it.

But this event was different – I sat around a large conference room table with 9 other successful real estate investors from across the country and we were all blown away by the unbelievable content and the seamless delivery. Every point Chris touched on was matched to real life examples he has implemented himself, there was no fluff or BS, it was all tangible and results driven – the ups and the downs. And then to further enhance the event Chris walked us through a step-by-step guide in how to action on the solutions to finding money – from banks to hard money lenders, private investors and more. It was an exciting day and the networking alone was worth the investment.

You always hear time is money…well if you’re not using your time to make money then sign up for the next Inner Circle event and use your time to at least learn how money works…then go use your time to make some money!"
- Geoffrey Gane, Owner of Rooted REI
Mike Warren
Made over $14,000 in his first 3 months! 
Marge & Dick Cielinski
Just flipped their first 2 houses!
This Wall Is Some of Our Students And Their Successful Deals...
Inner Circle Mastermind Event's FAQ's
 What Is The Date For Money School's Inner Circle Mastermind Event?
The private event will take place on Saturday July 10th and Sunday July 11th. Please try to arrive 30 minutes early to check in and network!
 What Will I Be Learning?
You will get hands-on mentorship with Chris, his team, other real estate experts, and the other members that will be attending. Money School is designed to educate people how money actually works in the real world. You will learn the benefits of becoming the “bank” and begin taking command of your finances. If you want to swing a hammer and invest in real estate, we’ll show you how to find the money you need for fix and flip projects. If you don’t want to swing a hammer, we will show you how you can still invest in real estate by becoming the “bank”. You’ll learn the process of exactly how to work with private investors. One of the most important things you’ll learn is where all the money is for your real estate deals.
 Where Is The Venue For This Event?
The event will be hosted in our boardroom which is located at 4545 Transit Rd. Space 734, Williamsville, NY 14221.
 Why Should I Come?
If you want to learn more about how wealthy people actually use their money and, in turn, allows them to become the bank, this is the  event you need to attend! If you want to learn where people find money for real estate deals? This event is for you!
 Is This For Real Estate Investors?
 Is This For Financial Investors?
 Can I Get A Refund If I Can't Attend?
We are not offering refunds.
 What Should I Wear?
We recommend business casual.
 What Is A Self-Directed IRA?
A self-directed Individual Retirement Account is an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), provided by some financial institutions in the United States, which allows alternative investments for retirement savings.
 When Will I Get My Free Book?
“The Private Money Guide, Real Estate Edition, solutions to finding money, where to go, and how to ask” will be available for you to download after the event.
 Is This An Investment Opportunity?
Money School is not an investment company, we are a financial education company. However, you may meet other investors to work on deals with and/or invest with.
 Any Other Questions?
Contact us at (716) 320-0119
Copyright 2021. FlipOut Academy & Money School. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy.